Monday, February 26, 2007

Reading is important

Sorry I am getting this wrote down so late in the day for you. But I don't go on line on Sundays to do it and I clean early Monday.

Feb. 26 Nbrs. 7
Feb. 27 Nbrs. 8-10
Feb. 28 Nbrs. 11-13
Mar. 1 Nbrs. 14-15: Ps.90
Mar. 2 Nbrs. 16-17
Mar. 3 Nbrs. 18-20
Mar. 4 Nbrs. 21-22

Keep on reading, enjoying, and Being Blessed by God's Word.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Hope you are enjoying your Holiday weekend. Don't forget to enjoy God's word as well.

Feb. 19 Lev. 19-21
Feb. 20 Lev. 22-23
Feb. 21 Lev. 24-25
Feb. 22 Lev. 26-27
Feb. 23 Nbrs. 1-2
Feb. 24 Nbrs. 3-4
Feb. 25 Nbrs. 5-6
Nbrs. is for Numbers. The fourth book of the Old Testament.

Read the word and let God Bless your week.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

No Time, Audio time.

Hey, if you don't have time to read you can use audio books. The Bible does come in audio books. You can listen while you drive to work, while you exercise, or while you clean your house.

Here are this weeks Bible Reading:
Feb. 12 Exodus 39-40
Feb. 13 Lev. 1-4
Feb. 14 Lev. 5-7
Feb. 15 Lev. 8-10
Feb. 16 Lev. 11-13
Feb. 17 Lev. 14-15
Feb. 18 Lev. 16-18

Enjoy the word of God and Be Blessed by it.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Have you quit?

Have you quit reading the Bible because you have gotten behind? No need to quit, just keep on tracking at the spot you are in and when you get more time to read use the first 15 minutes on your Bible. You will be surprised at how much you can read in 15 minutes. Do this every day and you will catch up.

Here is this weeks' schedule:
Feb. 5 Exodus 19-21
Feb. 6 Exodus 22-24
Feb. 7 Exodus 25-27
Feb. 8 Exodus 28-29
Feb. 9 Exodus 30-32
Feb. 10 Exodus 33-35
Feb. 11 Exodus 36-38

Enjoy the word of God. Let the Holy Spirit teach you as you read and study God's word.